Globalist Pope Francis endorses claim that US Christians are engaged in ‘ecumenism of hatred’ by Dorothy Cummings McLean for Life Site News
GNN Note – I didn’t know what the word “ecumenism” meant so I looked it up.
According to Merriam-Webster : ecumenical principles and practices especially as shown among religious groups (such as Christian denominations)
There you have it. According to the pope-on-dope I am engaged in the “principles and practices” of hatred because I believe in the right to life and traditional marriage. What an act of blasphemy by someone who claims to be the closest to God. hmmmm… Remind me again who this guy represents. Oh, that’s right, he protects pedophiles so, of course, traditional marriage and right to life would be considered hatred.
As a reminder this “unChristian wall” protects all his pedophile friends and the children they harvest.
In an address to Jesuits in Mozambique, Pope Francis recommended an infamous 2017 article that characterized the cooperation between U.S. Catholic and Evangelical social conservatives as an “ecumenism of hatred.”
In the same address, the Pope criticized a woman who professed joy that two young people had converted to Catholicism. And he suggested young priests who wear cassocks are expressing a form of “rigid clericalism” that conceals “moral problems.”
The Pope’s September 15 speech was published today, September 26, in La Civiltà Cattolica by Antonio Spadaro, SJ, one of the two co-authors of the 2017 article.
Responding to a question about Protestant sects that recommend their faith to Africans as a way to become rich, Francis said:
… We must distinguish carefully between the different groups who are identified as ‘Protestants.’ There are many with whom we can work very well, and who care about serious, open and positive ecumenism. But there are others who only try to proselytize and use a theological vision of prosperity ….
Two important articles in Civiltà Cattolica have been published in this regard. I recommend them to you. They were written by Father Spadaro and the Argentinean Presbyterian pastor, Marcelo Figueroa. The first article spoke of the “ecumenism of hatred.”
This article, “Evangelical Fundamentalism and Catholic Integralism in the USA: A surprising Ecumenism”, first appeared in July 2017. It argues that American conservatives, including many Catholics, have been influenced by Protestant fundamentalism, and that Catholic and Evangelical voters who work together on social issues like the right to life and traditional marriage have transformed ecumenism into “an ecumenism of hatred.”